"I always let LeBron know. They love you man, they love you right now. But please believe me. The first incident, the first time something happens, they are waiting man. They are waiting."
--Allen Iverson
Dear Thierry,
I have so much to say to you. And I wish it were all simple things like, "How do you get your socks to stay up?" "Did I miss anything having never seen you play at Arsenal?" "May I have an autograph?"

But let's be honest, the only signature that interests most writers are their own and I am no different. So, I would probably quote, the above A.I. quote, Allen Iverson's words to LeBron James, to you. I would definitely ask you to read
Peau noire, masques blancs and tell me in English what Frantz Fanon is saying because I rarely trust translated works from unfamiliar folks. And that's only the beginning. And after the massive mental stimulation ; I could provide the physical. If you can walk it out, we can work it out because not to toot my own horn, but when it comes to the streets of NYC,
TOOT TOOT, I am a sui generis (<--extremely big word) tour guide! Who else, in the same day, goes from dining with a recovering homeless crackhead (<--must discover PC term for "crackhead") in Marcy Projects to Bergdorf Goodman (only to have the alarm sound at entry--yes, this happened to moi). Please note that the superVirgin Tours involve neither housing projects or department stores :) Shooting and shopping are two of my least favorite things.
So Thierry, there it is, you bring your brilliant command of French and I'll bring my serious collection of Fanon...Césaire...Senghor... And I know all of this sounds wildly fantasy, but in the words of our ancestor Aimé Césaire, "Reason, I sacrifice you to the evening breeze.” <--Now, en Francais S'il vous plaît?!