Why kick a man when he's down when you can offer a hand to help him up? There are so many puns that could come from that statement,and I should probably know better, but it's 5 A.M.and sarcasm aside--it's true. Thierry's obviously a bit down, because (not to go all Domenech on you) his sun sign is LEO. And the Leo thrives on praise and cracks under criticsm. People, let's address all the name calling. As an Aquarius (like Domenech) injustice just makes me want to pick up a sword (ahmm, keyboard).
Tell me, O mean Irish lads-is frog the mascot for Les Bleus? No. Is it the national animal of France? No.I'm baffled. OR are you suggesting that Thierry looks like a frog? Well, Thierry, I'll kiss you. Although I've never had a French kiss and choke at the thought of anyone's tongue in my mouth besides my own--I could [swallow] take one for the team. And if fairy tales do come true, perhaps it will make me a princess ?