I am female, "American," and have never set foot on a pitch in my 20+years of being, making me, to some of you, unworthy of opinion on a footballing matter--but just know that the lady who writes from her Manhattan-sized bedroom is as snug in footballing matters as she is in her cupcake pajamas. Oh, and so that there are no Stevies left wondering out there, my opinion is completely bias. I am pro-Henry. I'm so pro that I've got UNICEF on my chest and HENRY on my back. Ok, let me rephrase that, I'm so cold that I've got...the Super in my building is being stingy with the heat. And so right now I'm fighting off the urge to curl up like a potato bug under my covers to write for a man who's worth writing for :) This is my first "PLEAVE LEAVE THIERRY ALONE" post. In the future I will convince you to support my favorite footballer or I'll write trying. ONE LOVE.